Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Red Menace: Pop Culture Hates On Carrot Tops

PRINTEmail ThisCarrot TopIn news which will come as a service to a people of New Jersey, pop culture has found a new clan to collect on. The latest unlucky victims have been redheads, who have had a spectacularly severe integrate of months.

This week, Anglo-Sri Lankan rapper M.I.A. caused a stir with a nine-minute video (since banned from YouTube) for her strain 'Born Free,' which shows ginger-topped unfortunates being rounded up by American police. Any sense which this competence be a light-hearted joke of actual racial harm is fast dashed by a striking scene in which a young boy is shot by a skull. That is fast followed by a man removing blown up by a landmine, as well as then a man is beaten to death.

This attack upon redheadedness comes usually a few days after a weird Australian public service advertisement went viral upon a Internet. Called 'Don't Be A D***head' (as an Aussie myself, you can tell you which you have been not an suave people), a commercial shows a cherry-colored integrate in bed whilst a voice-over warns, "Every time you make use of your mobile phone whilst driving, Gingers get fresh."

The bizarre summary is which distracted pushing will means redheads to breed -- as well as clearly, you do not want that.
Accent aficionados will notice which Australians make use of a British diction of "Ginger," a schoolyard insult, so which it rhymes with "wing-er" rather than "binge-er." While redheads everywhere competence face problems upon a playground, it is in Britain as well as a Commonwealth off-shoots which "Gingers" appear to face a most persecution. (The fact which Britain has a tall, blonde heir to a bench in Prince William -- whose also-ran hermit Prince Harry is a hard-partying redhead with a taste for tacky girlfriends -- usually reinforces a stereotype.)

It is an iron law of spurious journa! lism whi ch there contingency be 3 examples of any phenomenon to endorse a trend, so let us also lift a specter of Conan O'Brien's recent firing from 'The Tonight Show.' To fans of "Team Coco," NBC boss Jeff Zucker shot which carrot-topped comic by a skull, only similar to a child in 'Born Free.'

Speaking of which!

PopEater reached out to America's most important redhead, a hostess Carrot Top, for a final word upon this burgeoning social problem.

On eighth month in Florida, he e-mailed: "I had a woman stop me [in] a conveyor a alternative day. She said she had seen a story which a redhead race was upon a way to apropos extinct. She looked during me as well as said, 'Why do you think which is?' you said, 'Because nobody is carrying sex with us!'"

It's jokes similar to that, Mr. Top, which get you guys in trouble in a initial place.Follow Us upon Twitter Friend Us upon Facebook,feedConfig,entry&id=691977&pid=691976&uts=1272566345,aolsvc&omni=1&ke=1 Week's Hottest PicsGwyneth Paltrow gets held in a wind upon a streets of Manhattan upon April 28th.Soul Brother, FilmMagicSoul Brother, FilmMagic


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